MSF’s 2022 Annual Report
The Montana Stockgrowers Foundation (MSF) proudly continues to deliver on our mission of investing in Montana’s ranching community through leadership, education, and conservation. Thankfully, support for MSF continues to grow, allowing us the ability to expand funding to MSGA signature programs and grant funds to complementary organizations, events, and programs. Please, take a few minutes to review the annual report that follows. Highlights of MSF activities and involvement this past year will further acquaint you with our footprint; I believe you will be pleased.
The Montana Stockgrowers Foundation’s ability to support the ranching industry through programs that support and offer leadership, education, and conservation have made a difference. We remain committed to fulfilling our mission.
We are appreciative of the MSGA staff and board of directors and sure want to send a shout out of thanks their direction and I, personally, offer my heartfelt appreciation to the MSF trustees and our Director, Jeri Delys.
And, to you wonderful donors and partners – THANK YOU! for embarking on this journey with us! If you haven’t partnered with MSF before but believe in our mission, please accept my personal invitation to join our efforts by donating today. Together, we can continue to help ensure the future of Montana’s cattle industry.
With Gratitude,
Della Ehlke
MSF Chairman
Financial Snapshot

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